Wednesday, September 17, 2008


i cut my middle finger on the freaking food processor. It's bad. I splinted it. I might be flipping you off right now,or it might just look like it because I can't bend my middle finger. You'll never know.

blogs will be brief until my finger has full mobility....

some things in life make you just wanna cuss; this is one.


Anonymous said...

your finger and my broken arm we will make a great pair when you come down in a few weeks.

Mom Wood

this is us said...

Stephanie, I'm having LOTS of fun (and avoidance of constructive pursuits) reading your blog and identifying DEEPLY with you - except for the gluten thing - not gonna happen. That's why they won't let me live in Boulder and I have to stick to the southern regions...

I'll try not to stalk!


- Jennifer

stephaniejwood said...

My finger is healing better than expected...hopefully your arm will too. Thanx for the sweet comments on my blog lately. How lucky am I? I have a mother-in-law who ROCKS!

stephaniejwood said...

Jennifer - can't wait to get to know you better...the crazy, crazy control freak meets gypsy is something I so "get"...