Tuesday, February 27, 2007


"God created time; he never wastes it. We alone waste it when our impatience to receive our earthly inheritance hinders our preparation to know what to do with it." -source unknown

We are in a season of waiting in our lives - especially when it comes to the fost-adopt process. We've jumped through all the hoops; we're fingerprinted, background checked, homestudied, and certified. Now we are waiting to be matched with the child who will become a part of our family, and we have no idea how long it will be. It already seems like a long time. This Journey began in our hearts 1 and 1/2 years ago, and likely it will be years before an adoption is finalized.

I think waiting is about as much fun as cleaning a toilet, but the good part about cleaning a toilet is at least you know when it's done. You can check toilet cleaning off your to-do list. Not so with waiting...that's the thing; you have to wait.

The quote I began with gives me hope that this season is not without purpose. God uses this time, and I can too. After all Moses hung out in the desert for 40 years herding sheep. Joseph spent a fair amount of time in the clink before the famine. And there are others, people of faith throughout the ages...hopefully I can join the crowd, and do it with grace.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Spandex or Expandex?

So I went to this gluten free lecture. The topic of the evening was: gluten free flours, the equivilant of a glass of warm milk and a lulluby to the general public. But I sat, engrossed, as the speaker passed around some 30 varieties of gluten free flour. And I was not alone. We were all fascinated, such abundance.

When I began to eat gluten free it felt like such a hardship. No Cinnabon, no Panera, no take-out pizza or pancake mix... what's a girl to eat? But as I learned to cook without gluten I discovered I could make great bread, pizza and pancakes without wheat. I regularly cook with 5 or 6 different flours. I eat quinoa, and mochi, and I bet most people don't even know what that stuff is. It's good. What at first seemed so limiting has expanded my world in ways that I never expected. I bet God works that way a lot... freedom within limits. But I digress. I meant to post about spandex, or Expandex, or something.

At the lecture I learned about a new product on the horizon for the GF community; its called Expandex. It sounds like spandex. It conjurs up memories of the eighties and cellulite. Expandex is modified tapioca flour and performs more like wheat flour than anything else, apparently. This means fluffier bread, and nicer crumbs. Yum! I haven't actually tried it, but if it lives up to the hype, then I'm excited. Despite the name. Take note marketing folk worldwide, this consumer would prefer products, especially food products, not evoke images of flabby thighs.

I Have Opinions

I have a friend who chuckles every time she hears me say, "I'm finding that I have a strong opinion about this". Thing is, I say those words with semi-frequency. And she's known me a long time. I don't know why its always this "ahh haa" moment for me when I discovery that I have more opinions. It doesn't surprise those who know me best.

My husband says, "You need a blog." A platform. A place to vent - to process. I think he might be right. So now I'm a blogger, officially. I'll post about life, and faith, and schooling, and parenting, and marriage, and living gluten-free, basically the things that make me tick. So here I go...not a lot of focus, or experience, but nonetheless....