Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thoughts I've been kickin' Around

The other day I told Hubby that, "I think I've become a liberal." He about had a coronary. In his book that is the equivalent of saying, "Today I'll shave my head and walk around town naked." Shocking. Distasteful. Heretical. Actually, after thinking about it, I don't make a very good liberal or conservative. I just don't like politics. Here is what I meant: Politics are annoying and Republicans, with their trickle down economics, come off as particularly egocentric and callous. While Democrats, foolhardy as they may be, at least have their heart in the right place. Poverty, pathetic public education, healthcare and racism are critical issues and war does suck. I agree with the "religious right"; we need to defend the rights of the unborn. I also agree, with those "damn liberals"; people already born have rights too, and we should defend them!

Here is where I scootch closer to the conservative side of things: I don't think government can effectively navigate the complexities that are the core issues of today. The issues are complicated and dynamic, and the government (practically by definition) is bureaucratic and inefficient. Change, at least meaningful and lasting change, happens with Christ and the only mechanism that will work is his church. I mean this in a very grassroots sort of a way; no big buildings and complicated infrastructure. So you don't think that single mom (who's pregnant for the fourth time) should be getting welfare? Well then pull out your checkbook and clear our your schedule to do a little babysitting. You think public education is a joke? Then you volunteer to tutor, or sit with that autistic kid during lunch so he doesn't get picked on and end up socking some snot nosed kid.

The redemption of a culture happens as Christ followers actually engage their culture and demonstrate the same kind of sacrificial love that Jesus did while he was on Earth. We should be known by our love. We should not look like some kind of preppy junior high clique too cool to sit with the loner in the corner.

And this from a suburban, stay-at-home mom. Yeah, I recognize the hypocrisy. I'm sitting in my cute 2 story white house typing these words on my laptop. Easy to say. Hard to live. But still...

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