Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I've got the kids in vacation Bible school this week. It's really mostly about me having a vacation from them, not them having any Bible schooling. Though that might be a good side benefit.

Yesterday was registration day. A sweet elderly lady looked at my 4 year old and said, "What's your name, honey?" To which Bub replied, "George." This is a bold faced lie. He said it with a smile.

I haven't the foggiest idea what spawned this deception.

Last night Bub asked Hubby, "Dad, what if a monkey flew through the air and then fell into our house?"

I would so like to get into that kid's head.

Now here is the difference between Hubby and I. In response to Bub's question Hubby pointed out the implausibility of such an occurrence. I on the other hand was thinking, "Well, clearly, we'd have to name him George. Then maybe we could invite him to dinner, but after dinner we'd have to call the Denver Zoo to see if there is space available for George. I'm allergic to bunnies, dogs and cats. Odds are good I'd be allergic to monkeys too."

I do not no where that child gets his fanciful ideas ;)

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