Sunday, June 15, 2008

Backyard Bliss

On this, Father's Day, I am feeling blessed. Simple stuff. Today we grilled fillet mignon, and veggies. We had cheesy potato wedges, and watermellon and some rockin' margaritas. Just now my kids are enjoying orange sherbert push-up pops. Do you remember those?

At a time when grocery and gas prices are skyrocketing I'm enjoying the privledge of eating a great dinner with my family in our backyard. We don't often grill steaks; it was scrumptious. The weather was warm, the breeze was nice, the picnic table umbrella was positioned exactly right. My kids were well behaved and delightful; all was right in my little world. I felt safe and provided for/ Blessed.

I have had the privledge of enjoying those "safe and provided for" feelings most of my life. I have a great dad. He was fun, and took us camping. He provided for us - and we, naturally, took it for granted that he would. For the most part my childhood was safe, and good. And that is as it should be.

My children enjoy the same sense of safety and provision. They take it for granted, just as I did. And that is as it should be.

My dad, and my husband are part of a long tradition of good dads. Thanks guys!

Sideways veggie garden...

Hubby, taking a seista in the hammock. It's a Father's Day luxury.

Super cool playset. Pretend not to notice the brownish spots on the grass under the swings and rockwall. They irritate my husband to no end, but alas we have 4 children.

Our backyard 1 year ago. Believe it or not it was worse than this when we started. This was a landscaping project of mythic proportion, but we are enjoying the fruit of our labor this summer.

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