Saturday, March 31, 2007

Reasons We Choose Adoption

I've heard some people say that they feel proud to be adopting. This is not my experience. I always feel... what's the word....ahh yes.....WEIRD. In fact, I have to work at not sounding apologetic when I explain our choice. We have good reasons; we were not impulsive. But I know to most people this seems like a crazy decision.

"You have how many children?" "You're how old?" "And you homeschool?"

Yeah, I know. This is not the life that I thought that I'd have. I never thought I'd be a stay-at-home mom; I never thought I'd homeschool. But the truth is my children and my husband have absolutely captured my heart. And the only jobs that interest me are the ones that invest in people and pay crappy. Being a homeschooling mom definitely fits the bill.

So why adopt? Your life is already full?

There are several reasons. One is this: God loves kids, and he has a special heart for those who are orphaned. God wants to place the lonely in families. He says that pure and undefiled religion is caring for widows and orphans. I think with so much pomp and hypocrisy in the church its hard to know what's the real deal. But orphan care is the real deal. It is pure and undefiled.

Several years ago my heart began to break for babies and children who suffered unspeakable trauma and didn't have anyone to love them. I knew then that I had seen a piece of God, because His heart breaks too! He cares, and as his people, we should care!

If we have the chance to be a part of something that is at the very center of God's Redemptive Heart, then I want to do it. So what if it's scary? So what if people think we're crazy? So what its really hard, and a bad financial decision? We are talking about a child, a child that God loves. And children are a blessing- always, and without exception.

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