Friday, November 26, 2010

Children's Hospital Development Center

I got "the packet" from Children's today. It's ahmmm....not short. I will spend a large chunk of tomorrow filling it out. Then "the packet" goes to a team of experts to be evaluated. Then we get "the evaluation"; it's an all day deal where Princess, and her respective parental units get... well we get evaluated.

I don't know the results, and I don't know if we will get a "diagnosis" but just reading through the packet was affirming. I am not making stuff up. There are legitimate things in my youngest's medical history and family history that contribute to the stuff we see. It's documented by medical doctors, occupational therapists, and social workers. It's real.

Funny how I can trick myself into thinking that nothing is wrong. Abnormal becomes normal and we forget...
-most people don't have to drug their children to get them to sleep (well technically herbal supplement them...but whatever)
-most people can take their children into a store without them becoming unglued.
-most people do not plan sensory diet events into their day.
-most people don't walk into a new situation with a transitional item in place.
-most people don't start every every morning the very same way because change sends their little one into "behaviors" that aren't worth a few extra minutes of sleep.
-most people can ask their children "why?". (we tell "what")
-most people don't have to frame every stinking thing as a choice.
-most people aren't on hyper-alert all the time for when their child might impulsively do something to hurt themselves or others.
-most people aren't kinda expecting to change their child's diaper till she's 6.

But because we've developed a hefty repertoire of coping strategies and parenting tools that might look weird to others our lives operate relatively smoothly. Normalish. Nearly invisible differences. Yet, you take away the crutches and holy guacamole; chaos abounds.

I promise to stop blogging about this soon, but it's on my heart right now.

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