I took my Prozac this morning.
That was a good thing 'cause I also went to Target.
With kids.
A certain 2 year old does not do errands well. She can unbuckle ANY safety belt in any cart, but CANNOT sit. So, after a dangerous acrobatic feat that involved balancing on wire some 3 feet in the air, the said 2 year old was banished to the "big bin" in the back of the cart.
It takes her longer to escape from there - see.
The toddler was not happy about this arrangement and proceeded to
Unfortunately for her, I am on anti-depressants and this is not my first rodeo. I can tune out ungodly amounts of noise with narry a blink. I continued shopping, because the alternative was to leave and then come back later to do it all again. No. Thank. You.
Finally, we proceeded towards the check-out stands. Finally and loudly, I should say, for Babiness had decided that her finale required a cresendo. About 10 yards from the finish line we passed an unassuming elderly woman. She was tiny, wore a bad wig and was shopping for cosmetics. Apparently, in her advanced year, she had misplaced her filter -because she shouted - really shouted,
(snarly voice and all)
I burst out laughing. I was so stunned I didn't know what else to do.
"Shut-up" is a four letter word in our house, my big kids were shocked, and appauled. M asked, "Mom, did she really say, "shut-up?""
"Yes, honey, yes she did."
And in so doing she might have just made my day.
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