Monday, February 16, 2009

I love my crockpot.

It's really ugly, my crockpot. Like U.G.L.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!

But it cooks stuff without me being there. And that, my friends, is just fabulous.

Plus, I found a blog called "A Year of Crockpotting", and it has all sorts of interesting and (more importantly) gluten free ideas.

My latest kick? Porridge. Step aside Goldilocks, my crockpot and I are on the move.

Tonight I'm trying a concoction of steel cut oats, millet, and sweet brown rice. I threw in some dried cherries, craisins, apple and raisins and cinnamon in for good measure. Before I turn in for the night I'll add some water and turn my ugly pot on low. And when the alarm goes off in the AM breakfast will already be made.

What's not to love?

Well I guess that, potentially, it could be really gross. And then there is this little issue I have with remembering to turn the crock pot on. (A critical step by the way!) I think I've solved that delimma, though. I brought Mr. Crock upstairs and plugged him in next to my toothbrush.

For real.

Eddie was dismayed.

In Eddie's world you just don't do that; crockpots belong in kitchens. This is why Eddie needs me. His life would be so very normal without my influence; so very predictable. He'd probably eat stuff like instant oatmeal for breakfast. He'd probably always make it in the microwave. In the kitchen. How BORING!

Bring on the millet, I say. Maybe next time I'll try doing it in the toaster oven.

Stay tuned...I'll keep you posted on the results.


Jennifer McHam said...

Oh that sounds WONDERFUL! I'm with you on the crockpot - I love mine and this is totally crockpot weather!! Chilis and soups and stews oh my! I never would use it though because it was always such a pain to clean. My MOL showed me how she cleans hers though and it works! Rinse it out once quickly, put a drop of soap in there and fill about 3/4 of the way w/ water, then turn on low. Let it "soak" and moisten up and then clean! Voila! Happy crockpotting!

Anonymous said...

So...I bought a timer thing at walmart that you plug in to the wall... It remembers all by itself to turn on whatever you plug in to it (lamp...crockpot...etc) Have i used it yet? NO. It is still in my drawer. But...I think it is a fab idea!