Saturday, March 22, 2008

On a Shelf

Jeanne Hougen decided to try her hand at oil painting a couple years ago. Lo and behold, she discovered she had a real talent. Her en plein air work is fabulous, but I have a soft spot for still lifes. When it gets too cold to do much painting outdoors Jeanne focuses on these. I'm glad she does, because they're some of my favorites.

I've known Jeanne forever - or at least since before I was married, and that feels like forever ago. She's a wife and a mom; she drives a mini-van and helps her kids with their science fair projects. She's normal. And that's the thing that is so inspiring to me. See, God gave Jeanne a gift, one that lay dormant for years. And if Jeanne's got a gift, maybe I do too.

I'm a better than average artist, but I've had absolutely ZERO training. None. I have no idea if I've got any real talent. But I've always loved to draw and paint. Someday I'd like to see if I could be any good.

I can carry a tune and read music, but I'm pretty positive I don't have any real talent there.

Writing is a different matter. I like to write. I used to be good, and I'm sure I could be better. But writing like any other craft is a skill that needs to be honed.

For me these things have been "put on the shelf". I'm busy homeschooling, and parenting and meeting with social workers. I'm the resident cook and chauffeur; I also do the toilets. There's not a lot of time left over for painting, or writing, and sadly, there is sometimes barely enough time left for showering (though I do manage to squeeze that in with moderate regularity).

I'm happy with my life, and really I'm not talking about basic selfishness. But I do have a wistfulness, a desire to develop into the person I could become. I'm sure that someone with the wisdom of years would tell me that those parts of me that are "shelved" for now won't always be. My children will not always be so small and needy. I need to be sure not to miss the joy of this season in the longing for the next.

By the way, you should GOOGLE Jeanne Hougen and look at her art online. It'll be worth your time.

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