Sunday, January 20, 2008

Paying Attention

"It is no accident that we speak of PAYING attention to people; attention is the most valuable currency we have." - John Ortberg

Ain't that the truth.

Every night before bed my M needs to be tucked in, kissed on the nose, and sung her song. She's five, and that's probably reasonable. But it is always so painful to me. I know this should be one of those special bonding moments that I look forward to with my daughter, but, I'm ashamed to admit, I don't. I'm done by the end of the day. I'm done working, and parenting, and giving. I'm spent, and I feel like I have nothing left to give. But my daughter needs me, and so I sing her song, and tuck her in, and kiss her nose. It costs me. I literally PAY attention to her.

One of the reasons we chose to homeschool is to preserve relationships. Homeschooling forces me to invest face time with my kids. It gives me plenty of opportunity to capture their hearts and listen. Sometimes I let those opportunities slip through my fingers, and sometimes I grasp onto them like the treasures they are.

Often the opportunity to connect to my kids passes me by because it feels like it will cost too much. After all, I have dishes to wash, papers to grade, and calls to make, I certainly don't have time to read another story or paint another picture. But this is such a false economy. Relationships, family and friendship are the richness of life. While its true that it will always cost me to PAY attention to the people in my life, I need to remember that there is no better investment. People matter. Friendship is vital. Community is essential.

This last month I have been working out faithfully, and eating healthily. It's hard and it takes discipline but I'm starting to see the pay-off in my overall health. I think relationships are like that too. I've got to PAY attention, I've got to make the investment in people, but there is a payoff. If I value relationships then my life will be full of rich community.

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