Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Random Tidbits on Life at My House

So I haven't blogged in quite has been hectic, shall we say. There is no way to catch you up on life in North Denver. I'll just jump in.

Yesterday the kids played restaurant. Unbeknownst to me they smuggled contraband from the kitchen down to the play room. Apparently plastic food would not suffice, and they were looking for something a little more authentic. My kids whipped up such culinary delights and as carrot blueberry salad with a peanut butter and jelly sauce and garnished with bing cherries. It was a disaster. No, that is putting it too mildly. It was a colosul mess of heroic proportion. I was having a good day and instead of hanging my kids out to dry I took pictures and laughed. There is still peanut butter in the carpet. And we made the kids eat blueberry carrot peanut butter sandwiches for dinner.... Welcome to my world.

Baby is getting cuter by the day...and chubbier. She definately has the eating thing figured out and the happy result is longer stretches of sleep at night. Last night she slept 6 hours. Hooray! A few more nights of this and I might even feel human.

The weekend of the 14th I particpated in a triathlon relay put on by Danskin. I was totally sick and dehydrated and my borrowed mountain bike was all wrong for the road course. Despite this, it was FUN. It was such a sense of empowerment, and so fun to do something together with my best friends. Next year I'd like to do the whole thing myself. I'm not sure that's realistic given the realities of my life....i.e. I homeschool my kids, I have 4 of them, I am a foster parent, and I don't actually own a bike or a treadmill. Still....

Our landscaping project is semi-done. We have grass, my vegetable garden is actually starting to produce fruit, my perennial bed is starting to fill in, and the buff flagstone retaining walls are done. Importantly, we have our hammock up. Still no flagstone patio, but hey, progress is progress and we deserve a home improvement project hiatus.

We started homeschool. And 3 days into it I love our new curriculum. Its totally literature based (a good fit for an English literature major). The kids are begging for more, and I have virtually no planning. I know the newness will wear off, and some days will be horrible. But for now I am enjoying time snuggled on the couch with my kids reading The Boxcar Children, and Egermyer's Story Bible.

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