So I'll jump right in to life.
Today was Bub's 6th birthday party. We bowled with a whole passel of 5 and 6 year olds. It was fun in a sort-of "pop an extra Valium" way. Babycakes face planted into her cupcake with the relish of one who has never had to worry about her calorie intake. It made for cute pictures, at least. I decided I'm pro-bumper bowling even for adults. Who needs those blasted gutters anyway?
In other news....Friday was cow-eye dissection day for 5th and 6th graders. My students LOVED it and, surprisingly, I did too. Eyeballs are fascinating, and miraculous. Plus they're not even that gross.
Since going back to work full time I've discovered something about myself: I am a good teachers. Sure, in some ways I'm a novice. And I have plenty to learn. I'm not perfect, but I am good. It's my thing, my sweet spot. I am a good teacher. This is somehow important in those moments when I really royally screw up other things. Like, ah say, cooking, or ahemm...remembering to return library books, or charging my cell phone. I might be a space cadet, but at least I am a smart, well-intentioned space case.